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Introducing the next generation of Sapore Sourdoughs - Sapore Tempo. Sapore constitutes a range of sourdough and other solutions based on fermentation that offer a natural, traditional and differentiating taste and structure to finished baked products. Taste, health and freshness – the top priorities of bread lovers everywhere – are all improved by the use of fermentation. But some fermentation go further than others. More than 25 years of sourdough expertise at Puratos, using different cereals and flours, a wide variety of microorganisms and fermentation methods, come together in Sapores’ high-quality solutions. They give you the flexibility to choose the taste and structure of all your finished baked products from tasty quality bread to the real pain-au-levain. Review Sapore Brochure and discover the full product range. Originating from France, Sapore Adelia is a liquid wheat sourdough that is fermented for over than 48 hours, developing a lactic flavour with creamy notes. Sapore Adelia is a versatile sourdough that can be used to produce a wide array of baked goods and provides consistent flavour and texture.